Preparing the one-time mailing to districts

I think I’ve come up with something to give to the District Governors (DGs), who hold the large majority of the votes for International Directors. Candidates in contested races usually prepare a packet of educational handouts, flyers, and sometimes stuff like pens or light-up pins with their name on them (same thing for each DG). I’ll generate an individualized district directory based on all the information on the TI web site for each district, pulling together the historical district, division, area, and club performance over the last four years (which is what TI provides), as well as information on club membership levels, need for a coach, dues and officer list status, club anniversaries, oh, there’s a lot.

So I’ve put this together, and I’m going to give out printed copies to every DG at the convention. It’s formatted so each area and division prints on one page (or sometimes two), and they can hand this out at their next DEC meeting, one page per person. Tonight, I’m sending an e-mail to each district’s Top Three (one e-mail per district), telling them about myself, and pointing them at my web site and the directory on-line.