District 8 conference, St. Louis

The last spring conference! 11 district conferences in the course of my year of campaigning. And the I-70 bridge across the Missouri river is closed — the hotel is just over the bridge, a couple more miles, but traffic’s not moving. I inched closer to the next exit, and finally, was able to get off the stopped highway, with my car navigation system showing me the alternate route.

Friday night started with dinner and the evaluation contest with some time for socializing. Saturday morning had a continental Richard Avdoian gave a powerful keynote address about following your dreams, wherever they might lead you.

The business meeting went smoothly with a couple of minor policy changes to vote on, and uncontested district elections. Lunch included another keynote address, this one by Sharon Scott-Moyer.

The afternoon was filled with education, I started by attending Jerry and Cindy Hoeflein’s session on contest briefings, which was very useful. Then it was time for my own Club Coaching session, which had every seat in the room filled! This time, I concluded with a clear call to action — asking people to sign up to be a club coach, on a sheet in the back. Seven people signed up! But the district needs fifty. I gave the list to the District Governor.

Dinner was a delicious prime rib, followed by awards, officer installation ceremony, and the international speech contest. Sunday, I get to drive home — and get to stay home for a few weeks! The regional in Kansas City is just six weeks away! Meanwhile, there’s DEC meetings and club meetings and new club building to keep me busy.