Creating my web site

I found some spare time while on vacation in Atlanta to write most of my web site. I’ve done this sort of thing before, the main work is just creating the content.

I keep adding on to it (especially this blog), but the large majority of the work is done, and I’m ready to publish it. But first I need a web service! I spent some time researching several major companies, and finally settle on Blue Host.

Formal portrait

When I ran for District Governor, I just used a nice snapshot that Bruce Burrow had taken a few months prior. It looks like probably half of the DGs in the DG brochure used a professional photograph. But for ID, it’s quite clear that I need a professional photograph. Fortunately, someone at work is able to recommend a very good studio photographer, and they are able to get me in the next day. I just had a haircut a week ago, and I dress up for it with my Toastmasters membership tie (15+ new members in one year). It looks pretty good! That’s the photo on the first page on my web site, the introdution page. Plus, now I have a Christmas gift for my mother.

Candidate’s questionnaire

One of the more critical bits is the candidate’s questionnaire from Toastmasters International. The candidates’ brochure which is distributed at the August international convention includes parts of this, and for some voters, it may be the only thing they have to work with when deciding how to vote! After several revisions with my campaign manager, Joan Diehl, we finally decide it’s complete and send it in.

Announcing my candidacy

It’s the Saturday morning regional breakfast. Time to make it formal! Unfortunately — my announcement goes a little long, and somehow, I’ve entirely forgotten to inform some people from my own district! So they’re a little surprised by it, but very happy and supportive of me. Moral: Be sure to tell your district before you announce!